Have you ever thought about the correct meaning of beauty. If 'no' it's the time you must start the fathoming. However beauty lies in the observers mind but things need to be generalized when its context is with authenticity of humanity. What we see around us today is lot of rush in the cosmetic industry, its not bad to beautify our self but what if the limits cross the etiquette. I mean to say beauty either visual or psychological both must serve the purpose to please the nature's creation. Well visual beauties are dice a dozen, but what I am searching is eternal beauty. It comes when we think good and act good. We need to apply the cream of good will and scrub out the evils to get a clear and glowing character. I want to share a fact here, generally in our Indian society we have a highest place for mother hood. At the country sides its a common sight when we see a woman working in a paddy field under hot blowing sun. She has got all her skin tanned and completely dehydrated, she don't even use any separate piece of cloth to wipe out the sweat , all she has is the rear end of her dupatta or saree. In spite of this harsh working condition which an urban woman couldn't even think about, whenever her baby under a tree's shade cries out of her hunger ;she runs toward her baby and once the toddler smile, she forget all her toil with a great satisfied smile on her face. I bet this smile on her face is more beautiful than any beauty pageant over the earth. She has an eternal beauty which need not any skin treatments or supplements and its ever lasting. An urban woman spending thousands per sitting in parlors could never achieve her standard of beauty.
Its really important to look for the eternal beauty inside everyone. Its the most basic form of art to appreciate such beauty, rather than commenting over a flaunting fashionista girl. Everyone of us has read the fairy tales like Cinderella, Rapunzel etc , all they had in common is a beautiful mind which added a ton of glow to their face. Ever tired of trying lots of product to improve your facial glow?, just try my tip " think beautiful, act good" and this is really going to save your lot of investment over cosmetics. You will start noticing beauty every where no matter how does someone appear physically. When I tried to know the beauty secret of rural women , I always found that they are beautiful at their thoughts and have simplicity in their behavior, which make them a diva.
So, please don't take my thoughts as an anti-cosmetic movement but what I need to emphasize here is improving the beauty of our thoughts and actions.
Hope you realized the real meaning of beauty.
Hope you realized the real meaning of beauty.
it all about a beauty of mind !