Friday, June 20, 2014

An anchored feather

Title must be bifurcating, it has a different prospective for people with extrovert and frank nature. Well,  feathers in nature are always anchored with the bird, but I’m talking about an individual residue.  Let’s take our thinking and actions as feather , it has full degree of freedom to flew away in direction the wind blows. But it does not make any sense until and unless we are able to anchor it with a certain code of 
conducts and etiquette.

 It actually make us a human and it’s absence makes the creature as an animal. In other words I may tell it as self discipline or self control over our own senses. This quality is so much essential for a good  leader,  good entrepreneur  and more over a good human. Lack of control over our desires may flew the feather in a wrong direction leading to lot of troubles and loss of predetermined goals of our life. Our very first lesson for such self discipline was taught when our parents admitted us to school. We start leading our life according to a time table, no matter how careless is a child towards his class works but anyhow he or she comes in contact with a prescribed schedule. I don't believe in suffocating and suppressing kids which hampers their childhood but under a kind guidance they must be introduced to punctuality  and self discipline. Even army officer's training is nothing but oriented toward making them capable of taking right decisions in odd conditions and that comes when they are trained to practice self discipline. Every innovator or a successful person achieved only because they channelized route for achievement with the help of a tool called self discipline. It's really disappointing to say that the most of the criminal cases arise only because the guilty had no control over his anger and temperament. They just killed someone out their bad temper, it sounds wired that people  rather than controlling their own temper try to cancel out others existence. The examples for such scenario are so much in number. 

Our religious scripts are mainly focused to make our mind calm and impart a self controlled approach toward the dilemmas arising everyday in life . That's the thing we must remind before praying in front of God, otherwise please do not disturb the Almighty. 

My conclusion for this article is 'being human' is nothing but 'only those with self control', otherwise next time you find a tee for you with punch word 'being animal'. Sorry for my words, but you question yourself whether I am wrong or right.

Thanks for reading my harsh comments, have a nice day.

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